Subtle Fragrant Remedy

Subtle Fragrant RemedyEPIC_treasureSubtle Fragrant Remedy
Subtle Fragrant Remedy
Charge3sCooldown15sRelease Date01/15/2025
EffectUpon activation, purifies all debuffs from the two lowest current HP allied Cookies, Status Healing Heals them for 25~40% of their Max HP, and increases their Status Debuff Resist Debuff Resist by 15% for 15 sec. If a target has Status Amplify Buff Amplify Buff, they'll receive extra Status Healing Healing equal to 12% of Max HP and gain 10% Status Healing Up increased Healing received for 15 sec.DescriptionRemoves debuffs from the two allies with the lowest HP at the moment. Heals X% of each ally's Max HP and provides Debuff Resist +15.0% for 15 sec. If target's Amplify Buff is increased, they will have 12.0% of their Max HP healed additionally and gain Healing +10.0% for 15 sec.
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