Cape of the Vanquisher

Cape of the VanquisherCape of the Vanquisher
Cape of the Vanquisher
Release Date09/04/2024
Effect(Undispellable) Increases all allied Cookies' Status ATK SPD UpStatus Undispellable Buff ATK SPD by 20~35%. Additionally, increases Wind ElementWind-type allies' Status ATK SPD UpStatus Undispellable Buff ATK SPD by 55% and Status DMG DownStatus Undispellable Buff DMG Resist by 17.5%, and Status HP Shield Shields them at the start of the battle for 10 sec, absorbing DMG equal to 25% of their Max HP.DescriptionWind Pursuer's aura increases the team's ATK SPD by X% as well as Wind-type Cookies' ATK SPD by 55.0% and DMG Resist by 17.5%. Grants HP Shield for 25.0% of Max HP for 10.0 sec once at the beginning of the battle.
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