- ✦ Toppings are items that Cookies can equip for beneficial effects and are a highly important aspect of any effective Cookie team.
- ✦ Toppings can be upgraded using Topping Pieces and Coins to enhance their Cookie stat boons, and multiple Toppings of the same type can be equipped on a Cookie in order to activate a bonus set effect.
- ✦ All Cookies start out with 1 Topping slot and gain one more at their 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th Levels for a total of 5 slots.
- ✦ Toppings normally come in three rarities: XS (Common), S (Rare), and M (Epic) Toppings. Toppings can also come in special, single-rarity variants known as Resonant Toppings that have better chances of good bonuses upon upgrading.
- ✦ However, Resonant Toppings come with the caveat that they can only be equipped by specific Cookies, those being Cookies who released alongside them and/or match them thematically.
Topping Upgrade
- ✦ Toppings can be upgraded using Topping Pieces and Coins as materials.
- ✦ The success rate of a Topping being upgraded is dependent on the current Level of the Topping.
- ✦ The success rate of upgrading a Topping is temporarily increased by a small percentage for each failed attempt until the Topping is successfully upgraded to the next Level. The maximum number of Upgrade Levels is dependent on the Rarity of the Topping: XS can be upgraded to +6, S to +9, and M to +12.
- ✦ A Topping gains a random bonus effect once it is upgraded to +6, +9, and +12. These bonuses stack when applicable—S Toppings can have 2 bonus effects and M can have 3.
+1 | 100% | 0% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+2 | 100% | 0% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+3 | 90% | 5% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+4 | 80% | 5% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+5 | 70% | 5% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+6 | 65% | 5% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+7 | 50% | 3% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+8 | 45% | 3% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+9 | 40% | 3% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+10 | 35% | 3% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+11 | 30% | 2% | Topping Piece | Coin |
+12 | 25% | 2% | Topping Piece | Coin |
Topping Upgrade
- ✦ 0강 토핑을 12강으로 강화하면서 토핑의 부옵션을 보고 컨텐츠에 사용할 수 있는 토핑을 파밍하는 과정을 토핑작이라고 합니다.
- ✦ 토핑을 강화할 때는 첫 부옵션을 6강을 먼저 한 후에 9강을 갈지, 갈아버릴지 결정하는 것이 좋습니다.
- ✦ 가장 중요한 부옵션 - 공격력, 치명타 확률, 쿨타임 감소,
DMG Resist
- ✦ 특정 상황에서 중요한 부옵션 - 공격속도, 치명타
DMG Resist, 체력, 방어력
- ✦ 별로 중요하지 않은 부옵션 -
Debuff Resist, 이로운 효과 증가
Topping Bonus Effect
(Recommended Range)
1 ~ 3%
(2 ~ 3%)
1 ~ 3%
(2.5 ~ 3%)
1 ~ 3%
(2.5 ~ 3%)
1 ~ 3%
(2 ~ 3%)
1 ~ 3%
(2 ~ 3%)
1 ~ 2%
(1.5 ~ 2%)
DMG Resist
1 ~ 6%
(5 ~ 6%)
CRIT Resist
3 ~ 4%
(3.8 ~ 4%)
Amplify Buff
1 ~ 2%
(1.9 ~ 2%)
Debuff Resist
1 ~ 2%
(1.9 ~ 2%)
Resonant Toppings
- ✦ Introduced in the Invitation From the Slumbering Moon update (v4.0), Resonant Toppings are a unique kind of Toppings that can only be attached to Cookies associated to the update in which they released or are featured prominently. To make up for this, any Bonus Stats that they gain from upgrading have a higher minimum stat value than those gained on regular Toppings. Resonant Toppings also do not have variants of all ten standard types of Toppings, opting to offer only the most "meta" options of Searing Raspberry
Searing Raspberry, Swift Chocolate
Swift Chocolate, Solid Almond
Solid Almond, Bouncy Caramel
Bouncy Caramel, and Juicy Apple Jelly
Juicy Apple Jelly. Due to being selectable toppings, it is considered as a Choice Chest by the game.
Topping Bonus Effect
(Recommended Range)
2 ~ 3%
(2.5 ~ 3%)
2 ~ 3%
(2.5 ~ 3%)
2 ~ 3%
(2.5 ~ 3%)
1.5 ~ 2%
(1.8 ~ 2%)
DMG Resist
4.5 ~ 6%
(5.5 ~ 6%)
CRIT Resist
3.5 ~ 4%
(3.9 ~ 4%)
All Topping