Sparkling Cookie

Sparkling Cookie


Sparkling Cocktail

Sparkling Cocktail


Throws refreshing HealingHealing cocktails at two allies with the lowest HP. The cocktail's divine aroma raises the whole squad's morale, increasing their Critical Strike Chance.


HealingHealing: 139.0% of ATK (+1.8~1.9% per level) Status CritRateUp +25.0% CRIT% for 7.0 sec





Release Date



✦ 스킬 끊기 유용 ✦ 아군 체력을 회복시키며 치명타 확률을 상승시키는 버퍼겸 힐러 ✦ 골카론의 날카로운 낫 + 행복한 곰젤리의 숨겨둔 사탕 + 스파클링맛 쿠키 + Juicy Apple JellyJuicy Apple JellyJuicy Apple Jelly로 치명타 확률을 100%에 가깝게 맞출 수 있음

Voice Actor

  • 🇺🇸Xander Mobus
  • 🇰🇷Kim Yeong-seon (김영선)
  • 🇯🇵Kobayashi Chiaki (小林千晃)
  • 🇹🇼Yu Zhengsheng (于正昇)
  • 🇹🇭Phiphat Bunsitthiloet (พิพัฒน์ บุญสิทธิเลิศ)
  • 🇩🇪Jens Wendland
  • 🇫🇷Franck LORRAIN

External Link

Soulstone Farming

Dark 5-23, 9-24
Master 3-5

Game Info

Sparkling Cookie (Korean: 스파클링맛 쿠키, spakeulling-mat kuki) is an Epic Cookie available since launch. He is of the HealingHealing HealingHealing type and his position is prioritized to the Rear Rear. He appears in the Tropical Soda Islands Story as part of the main cast and in the BOO! Halloween Masquerade story as the Costume contest's host.

Game Description

This is the day! You have received an invitation to the famous Sparkling Party. Sparkling Cookie greets you personally with a dazzling smile and offers a glass of Sparkling Juice. All the guests are fascinated with his impeccable manners and looks: his boyish rolled up sleeves and bouncy bubble hair. It is going to be the best holiday party ever!
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