Snow Sugar Cookie

Snow Sugar Cookie





Waves the Snow Sugar Wand to summon the Snow King that causes a snowstorm, dealing periodic area damage, and applying the Frost debuff with a certain chance upon each hit. Enemies suffer lowered ATK SPD. Snow King is resistant to certain action and movement-impairing effects. While Snow Sugar Cookie is using their skill, they will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.


Snow King: summoned with 49.0% ATK, 125.0% DEF, 150.0% HP of the summoner Single-hit DMG: Ice ElementIce Element151.6% of ATK Status AtkSpdDown ATK SPD Debuff: -25.0% within the Frozen Breath range Status Frost Frost: each hit has a 50.0% chance to decrease the target's ATK SPD by 10.0% and increase Frost DMG received by 50.0% (capped at 350%) for 15 sec

Magic Candy Skill




The power of the MagicMagic Candy makes Snow King even stronger and makes this icy giant immune to ATK SPD changes. Snow King will deal additional damage to FreezeFreeze targets and restore Snow Sugar Cookie's HP for a portion of the damage dealt. Snow King will also absorb a portion of the damage received by Snow Sugar Cookie.


Strengthened Snow King: summoned with 86.5% of ATK, 243.1% of DEF, 465.0% of HP of the summoner Snow King Single-hit DMG: Ice ElementIce Element151.6% of ATK Ice ElementIce Element45.5% of ATK (Others) Additional DMG to Frozen Targets: Ice ElementIce Element242.8% of Snow King's ATK Snow King's DMG Focus: absorbs 50.0% of DMG received by Snow Sugar Cookie over 8 sec

Magic Candy

Snow Sugar Cookie's Magic CandySnow Sugar Cookie's Magic Candy
Snow Sugar Cookie's Magic CandySnow Sugar Cookie's Magic Candy
+ lv10
Snow Sugar Cookie's Magic CandySnow Sugar Cookie's Magic Candy
+ lv20







Release Date



✦ Summoned Deck's main dealer ✦ Debuff doesn't have much effect.

Voice Actor

  • 🇺🇸Analesa Fisher
  • 🇰🇷Yoon Ah-yeong (윤아영)
  • 🇯🇵Fujita Akane (藤田茜)
  • 🇹🇼Xu Yuzhen (徐瑀甄)
  • 🇹🇭Methinee Kaewrattanakon (เมทินี แก้วรัตนากร)
  • 🇩🇪Runa Pernoda Schaefer
  • 🇫🇷Brigitte LECORDIER

External Link

Soulstone Farming

Dark 4-24, 8-24
Master 4-24


Ice ElementIce ElementIce Element

Game Info

Snow Sugar Cookie (Korean: 눈설탕맛 쿠키, noonseoltang-mat kuki) is an Epic Cookie available since launch. They are of the MagicMagic type and their position is prioritized to the Middle. Snow Sugar Cookie is a timid youth who loves snowball fights and making friends. They wield a MagicMagic snow wand which summons their best friend, Snow King. They play a major protagonist role in Icicle Yeti's Winter Song as the titular Icicle Yeti's newest friend.

Game Description

Made of snow, sugar, ice, and an unknown secret ingredient, this Cookie was once very lonely, wandering through a vast snowy field. Then one day, Snow Sugar Cookie found a MagicMagic wand that could summon snow creatures and wouldn't melt even in the oven. The Cookie quickly learned to summon friends like the Sea Snow Cone and the Great Snow King and was never lonely again.
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