Nutmeg Tiger Cookie

Nutmeg Tiger Cookie


The Great General

The Great General


Nutmeg Tiger Cookie orders her Elite Guard to ChargeCharge forward. The Elite Guard deals Fire damage, causing Burn, heals the allies for a portion of the damage dealt, increasing their Fire-type Periodic DMG duration, and applying the Great General buff to all Fire-type Cookies and summoned creatures. The Elite Guard consists of a Rider and Fighters. The Rider will cause area damage with their regular attacks and heal your team for a portion of the damage dealt. The Fighters will taunt enemies upon summoning, protect themselves with an HP ShieldHP Shield, and gain a DMG ResistDMG Resist buff. After summoning the Elite Guard, Nutmeg Tiger Cookie will attack up to 5 enemies with each regular attack and gain an ATK SPD buff. If Burning Spice Cookie is in the team, he will absorb the dust of the fallen Elite Guards and gain the Burning Nutmeg buff.


The Great General DMG: Fire ElementFire Element428.9% Status HealingHealing HealingHealing: 117.5% of The Great General's DMG Max HealingHealing: 250.0% of Nutmeg Tiger Cookie's current ATK Status Periodic DMG Duration UpElement Fire Fire-type Periodic DMG Duration: +50.0% for 15 sec; stacks up to x1 Status BurnElement Fire Burn: Fire ElementFire Element122.3% of ATK every 0.5 sec for 5 sec; stacks up to x5 Transformation: 10 sec DMG after transformation: Fire ElementFire Element182.6% of ATK Area DMG: Fire ElementFire Element35.0% of ATK Status ATK SPD Up ATK SPD: +35.0% for 10 sec; stacks up to x1 Status The Great General The Great General (Summoned Creatures): DMG ResistDMG Resist +25.0% for 10 sec; stacks up to x3 Status The Great General The Great General (Fire-type Cookies): DMG ResistDMG Resist +15.0% for 10 sec, Fire-type DMG +12.5%; stacks up to x2 Summoned Fighters: 99.8% of Summoner's ATK, 198.8% of DEF, 255.5% of HP Status DMG Down Fighter DMG ResistDMG Resist: +25.0%, Status HP ShieldHP Shield Fighter HP ShieldHP Shield: 50.0% of Max HP Status Taunt Fighter Taunt: taunts enemies for 7 sec after summoned Summoned Rider: 230.0% of Summoner's ATK, 113.5% of DEF, 87.2% of HP Status ATK SPD Up Rider ATK SPD: +100.0% Status HealingHealing Rider HealingHealing: 238.0% of Regular Attack DMG; capped at 250.0% of Rider's current ATK Burning Nutmeg (Fighter): Burning Spice Cookie's DMG ResistDMG Resist +8.0% for 10 sec Burning Nutmeg (Rider): Burning Spice Cookie's ATK +11.0%, CRIT% +7.0% for 10 sec





Release Date


Voice Actor

  • 🇺🇸Shara Kirby
  • 🇰🇷Lee Serena (이세레나)
  • 🇯🇵Lynn
  • 🇹🇼Joddess Shieh (謝佼娟)
  • 🇹🇭Bussayaphat Unjittikun (บุษยพัชร อุ่นจิตติกุล)

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Game Info

Nutmeg Tiger Cookie (Korean: 넛맥타이거맛 쿠키, neotmaeg-taigeo-mat kuki) is an Epic Cookie released alongside Burning Spice Cookie Burning Spice Cookie in the Shadow of the Destroyer update (v5.10). She is of the SupportSupport SupportSupport type and her position is prioritized to the Rear Rear. Nutmeg Tiger Cookie is a Cookie who is loyal to Burning Spice Cookie.

Game Description

In the Spice Storm-ridden wastelands, a fierce Cookie commands her troops with an iron fist. She is none other than the legendary general of the Spice Swarm, Nutmeg Tiger Cookie! Half Wild Spice, half Cookie—if the rumors are to be believed—her superior strength has been proven in countless battles. In the past, she rose to power as a great warrior who claimed victory over all the Spice Tribes. Never known weakness, she does not understand the weak. Defeat is an unfamiliar concept to her, for in her world, strength is the only way. It's no wonder she swore allegiance to the mighty Burning Spice Cookie upon his return. But will her loyalty be acknowledged in time? Only fate can tell.
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