Burning Spice Cookie

Burning Spice Cookie


Tyrant's Wrath

Tyrant's Wrath


In exchange of his own lifeforce, Burning Spice Cookie releases his inner God of Destruction, dispelling debuffs and gaining the Berserker buff. While transformed, he will become immune to all debuffs except for Curse and will absorb the ATK of the three allies (targets Cookies first) with the lowest ATK. Burning Spice Cookie will gain the Spice Rampage buff depending on the target of his basic attacks and will gain the Rampage buff after reaching a certain threshold. After, he will slam down the ground with his great axe, dealing damage with the final blow. The axe will create a pool of lava for a certain period of time and deal periodic damage. Enemies' ATK SPD and ATK are reduced in the lava, while the Sarcophagus of Gold and summons receive a great amount of damage. The Great Destroyer, Burning Spice Cookie, activates Firestorm periodically, inflicting Burn to all targets (excluding Safeguarded Cookies) and providing CRIT% and CRIT DMG buffs for his allies. Additionally, he applies The Destroyer's Gaze buff on the enemy Cookie with the highest ATK. Upon entering the battle, Burning Spice Cookie applies the Revelry of Flames buff on Fire-type allies, which increases their ATK and DMG ResistDMG Resist by the number of Burn stacks. Additionally, Burning Spice Cookie's CRIT% increases according to the number of nearby targets with Burn. When hit by Water-type attacks for a certain number of times, a Burn debuff is removed. If Burning Spice Cookie is defeated, he becomes Immortal for a certain period of time and dispels debuffs. (DMG proportional to Max HP is capped at 300,000)


Status Debuff ResistDebuff ResistStatus Undispellable Buff Debuff ResistDebuff Resist: +30.0% Transformation: 6 sec Status ImmortalityStatus Undispellable Buff Immortality: 6 sec; activated x1
Tyrant's Wrath
HP when Transformed: -5.5% of current HP Status BerserkerStatus Undispellable Buff Berserker: ATK SPD +25.0%, ATK +15.0%, grants Immunity and grows in size While Transformed: Allies' Status ATK DownStatus Undispellable Debuff ATK -20.0%, Burning Spice Cookie's ATK +122.0% of the sum of decreased ATK; ATK increase capped at 100.0% Single Hit DMG: Fire ElementFire Element79.0% of ATK True DMG (Cookies): 1.1% of Max HP Final Hit DMG: Fire ElementFire Element503.1% of ATK Status Stun Final Hit Stun: 2.3 sec Spice Rampage: Bosses x10, Cookies x4, others x1 Status EnrageStatus Undispellable Buff Enrage: x1 stack per x10 stacks of Spice Rampage; capped at x5 Enrage: ATK SPD +10.0%, CRIT% +3.5%
Fire Pit
Explosion DMG: Fire ElementFire Element334.4% of ATK, ignores 40.0% of DMG ResistDMG Resist Explosion Enrage DMG: Fire ElementFire Element103.0% of ATK per x1 stack of Enrage; capped at 515.0% Area DMG: every 1 sec for the duration Total DMG: Fire ElementFire Element510.7% of ATK, ignores 40.0% of DMG ResistDMG Resist Extra DMG to Sarcophagus of Gold and Summoned Units: True DMG equal to 30.0% of Max HP Nearby Enemies: Status ATK DownStatus Undispellable Debuff ATK -22.6%, Status ATK SPD DownStatus Undispellable Debuff ATK SPD -30.0% for 5 sec Fire Pit Duration: 6 sec
Status Revelry of Flames
Status Undispellable Buff Revelry of Flames Fire-type Cookies: Max HP +50.0% ATK +3.5% per x1 Burn debuff; capped at 10.0% DMG ResistDMG Resist +17.5% per x1 Burn debuff; capped at 50.0% One Burn debuff dispelled on self for x5 hit with Water-type DMG CRIT%: +3.5% per target applied with Burn in the area; capped at 50.0%
Beast Passive: Firestorm
Allies: Status CRIT Chance Up CRIT% +5.0%, Status CRIT DMG Up CRIT DMG +15.0% for 25 sec; capped at x1 Status BurnStatus Undispellable DebuffElement Fire Burn on Allies: Fire ElementFire Element0.1% of ATK every 1.5 sec for 25 sec; capped at x3 Status BurnStatus Undispellable DebuffElement Fire Burn on Enemies: Fire ElementFire Element65.5% of ATK every 1.5 sec for 25 sec; capped at x3 Status The Destroyer's Gaze The Destroyer's Gaze: lasts for 6 sec; DMG dealt to Burning Spice Cookie: -50.0% for 6 sec, DMG received by Burning Spice Cookie +30.0% Triggers every 6 sec







Release Date


Voice Actor

  • 🇺🇸Erik Braa
  • 🇰🇷Min Eung-sik (민응식)
  • 🇯🇵Kusunoki Taiten (楠大典)
  • 🇹🇼Li Jingtang (李景唐)
  • 🇹🇭Piya Chamnankit (ปิยะ ชำนาญกิจ)

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Game Info

Burning Spice Cookie (Korean: 버닝스파이스 쿠키, beoning-supaisu kuki) is one of the five Beast Cookies of Cookie Run: Kingdom. He first appeared briefly in a Secrets of the Silver Kingdom update (v.5.0) cinematic and was released alongside Nutmeg Tiger Cookie Nutmeg Tiger Cookie in the Shadow of the Destroyer update (v5.10). He is of the ChargeCharge ChargeCharge type and his position is prioritized to the Front Front. Burning Spice Cookie wields the power of Destruction, a corrupted side of the Virtue of Change he once held. He was the original owner of Golden Cheese Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie's Soul Jam, being stripped of it upon his descent into villainy.

Game Description

While the losers are doomed to be swallowed whole by the Tide of Change, victors bend it to their will! Once known as the Herald of Change, Burning Spice Cookie shaped the course of history, when history itself was young. He was hailed as a hero, a leader who fought battle after battle to protect the faint light of civilization shining amidst the gloom. But as time marched on and kingdoms rose and fell in an endless cycle, he grew weary—bored by the monotony of it all. In his heart, the seeds of destruction began to take root. His name, once celebrated, was replaced by whispers of the Great Destroyer. But empty praises and worship from Cookies meant nothing to him, as only destruction could make his jam boil! During his long confinement, he cursed the chains that bound him, aching to unleash chaos. But now, Burning Spice Cookie is free, unchained, and ready to carve a path of havoc. The world will tremble as the Great Destroyer rises once more... and nothing will be spared.
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