Mozzarella Cookie

Mozzarella Cookie


Mozzarella Masterplan

Mozzarella Masterplan


Mozzarella Cookie rings her bell to apply buffs to allies and summon her Mozzarella Bird. The bird deals damage to enemies and flies off to create a Mozzarella Puddle. Enemies fallen in the puddle will have their movement speed and attack speed reduced.


Mozzarella Bird DMG: Earth ElementEarth Element678.3% of ATK Mozzarella Puddle periodic DMG: x40 DMG for 3.0 sec; Single hit DMG Earth ElementEarth ElementEarth Element?% MOV SPD: -55.0% for 3 sec; stacks up to x1 ATK SPD: -30.0% for 3 sec; stacks up to x1 Team Earth-type DMG: +12.5% for 10 sec; stacks up to x2 Team Earth-type CRIT DMG +7.5% for 10 sec; stacks up to x2







Release Date



✦ 몰캉몰캉 모짜렐라를 통해 적을 디버프건다 ✦ 땅속성 피해증가가 미미해서 3딜덱에 사용하기 힘듦 ✦ 몸이 너무 약해서 애매한 포지션 ✦ 스토리, 기타 보스 컨텐츠에서 오히려 좋은 쓰임

Voice Actor

  • 🇺🇸Christina Costello
  • 🇰🇷Jeon Young-soo (전영수)
  • 🇯🇵Nakae Mitsuki (中恵光城)
  • 🇹🇼Qiu Meijun (丘梅君)
  • 🇹🇭Angkana Phanprateep (อังคณา พานประทีป)
  • 🇩🇪Andrea Lüdke
  • 🇫🇷Safa Almis

External Link

Soulstone Farming

Disable to Soulstone Farming


Earth ElementEarth ElementEarth Element

Game Info

Mozzarella Cookie (Korean: 모짜렐라맛 쿠키, mo-jja-lella-mat kuki) is an Epic Cookie released alongside Olive Cookie in the second part of the Goddess of Eternal Gold update (v4.13). She is of the MagicMagic type and her position is prioritized to the Middle. She was first introduced as an NPC in the The Lost Golden City update (v4.11). Mozzarella Cookie is the genius head of the Golden City's high-tech command chamber who presides over and actively develops the robotic Marzipan Cookies. Mellow, cunning, and enigmatic, she is an enthusiast of all sorts of games, especially those with calculable odds. She pursues everything new and unusual, regarding stagnancy and the status quo as dull.

Game Description

There's a Cookie who keeps a keen eye on the Golden Cheese Kingdom from her Control Chamber. Why, it's none other than Mozzarella Cookie! This Cookie's been fixing errors left and right in the Golden City under the Big Cheese's command! From fishing out a Cheesebird's lost ring in the waterway to tracking down stray monsters, no bug is too big for this smart Cookie! At times, she controls her Marzipan Cookies in the middle of watching a monster fight or supercar race, but she's never made a mistake! She's hailed as the Brains of the Golden City—wielding her weapon of endless data flowing through the cheese network, but not even Golden Cheese Cookie herself knows what she's really up to. In the darkness of her Control Chamber, only the golden light from her system console reflects her innermost thoughts.
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